Wednesday, August 29, 2018

8 Things Recruiters Look for in your CV/Resume

Resume is the most important document in the job search of any candidate. Resume/CV is a detailed and chronological outline of your educational, professional and personal achievements which may not only include your education, internships, work experience, extra-curricular activities, volunteering experiences and any positions of leadership that you’ve held. C V is the digital representation of your accomplishments to recruiters and company. Here are 8 things recruiters want to look for in your CV says wisdom jobs career edge experts.

1. Language and Grammar

No matter you have excellent academic and professional records, spelling and grammar errors put you on the back from the others. It shows that you are not much careful to avoid such mistakes in your CV. Proofread your CV as much as possible and get verified by your friends and family members to ensure that no errors in your resume/CV finds wisdom jobs reviews team experts.

2.CV Formatting

The main objective your CV is catching recruiters’ attention. So to standout among the crowd refer some CV templates to design your CV. While formatting your profile, make sure that you have added all details in a chronological order, with the latest employment or educational detail coming first followed employment history. It gives the recruiter better understanding of your total work experience says wisdom jobs complaints team.

3.Length of the CV

Your CV should be between 1-2 pages long. Here you need to include all professional stints, achievements, job roles/responsibilities, special projects and rewards if any. Try to avoid too long CV.

4. Educational details

Your should have a list out your educational details, work experience in a chronological order. Here mention your institution, university, degrees/specializations and marks obtained in each of them.

5. Extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility

Mention your extracurricular activities/positions of responsibility that you held there and also achievements in sports, music, case studies, quizzes, live projects etc.

6. Internships

For freshers and candidates with 1-2 years experience need to mention internship experience(s), if any.

7.Specific skills and competencies

A lot of jobs require the candidates to have specific skills and competencies relevant to their job role. Most of the recruiters never mention it in the job description but it is an important filtering criteria.

8. Location preferences

Mention your location preferences as the recruiter look at this location preference reach out to them for roles accordingly.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Making a great Resume: Get the basics right

When you start out to create a curriculum vitae or resume, there is no single format that is guaranteed to get you the eyeballs of recruiters. However, there are a few basic rules for creating a resume that you should keep in mind. The primary feature of a CV should be that it clearly explains to the reader 'the achievements made so far in your career by you.' Wisdom jobs career edge experts says that your CV should be:

  • A well-presented, selling document
  • A source of interesting, relevant information
  • A script for talking about yourself

The main objective of your CV is not to get you the job but to get you an interview. Remember: you are not writing a CV for yourself, you are writing it for the reader suggests wisdom jobs reviews team.

You can choose to create any one of the following types of CVs - A standard two-page printed CV

  • A one-page summary CV
  • An online CV
  • Whatever be the format, your CV should include:
  • Personal Details
  • Skills and Career Summary
  • Key Achievements
  • Qualifications
  • Career History

Don't forget: The ultimate goal of your CV is to see whether it meets the needs of the person making the shortlisting decision suggests wisdom jobs complaints experts. When you submit a printed CV to a recruiter or a potential employer, it is an introduction to yourself that should prompt them to try and know more about you

  • Use a good quality paper, and print your CV in black ink on white paper. Covering letters should use identical stationery.
  • Lay your CV out neatly
  • Don't make the margins too deep or too narrow
  • Resist writing lengthy paragraphs - be concise
  • Careful use of bold type can be effective
  • Typefaces such as Times New Roman or Arial are fairly standard
  • Do not use type size less than 11 pt.
  • Check thoroughly for spelling or typographical errors - Don't rely on a spell checker.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Best And Worst Time To Schedule An Interview

When you are receiving an interview call it may excite you to schedule an interview immediately. Before you proceed with this you should know that how it can impact your chances of getting job. Here you cannot control the date and time of your job interview. Wisdom jobs reviews team suggests these tips to make sure of success in a job interview.

Avoid Early Mornings: Meeting a person in the early morning may have great impact. But avoid the first meeting of the day as it has some drawbacks. Your interview may have to do list in the morning this interview may hamper this schedule. If you are the first person to attend an interview it should be the benchmark for others, so it may have some impact. So, early morning meetings will not have any positive effect to your career finds wisdom jobs reviews experts.

Avoid last meetings: End of the day may have number of important tasks for next mornings. These things may include next morning meeting, family priorities, dinner plans, kids etc. If you are the last person to be interviewed then the quality of decision making may depreciates along with the decision making process. Last meetings or End of the day meetings may hamper your critical thinking abilities and increases the rejection percentages.

Avoid meeting pre or post lunch: Having a schedule of interview before or after the lunch is also not a good indication believes wisdom jobs complaints specialists. Your interview can be cut short because of lunch time and just after can leave you waiting for a long time.

Avoid Mondays or Fridays: First day after a long weekend or before the weekend will hamper your interview. Monday will have last weeks follow-up and Friday may have weekend charm can spoil your interview. So, it is best to avoid scheduling on either of the two days.

Get some info about interviewers: If possible get some information about the interviewers from the inside people. It would help you choose the right time of the day. It also helps you know what meetings the interviewer is coming out of or going into.