Monday, May 6, 2019

Three things you must know about a company before an interview

Wisdom jobs Gulf career edge experts believe that It will be bit confusion when you are attending a company interview without knowing many details about the company. It not only displays the company details but also provides much information about the company to the prospective employer but it also helps you find out what is right for you and You can discover much information about the company matching your career objectives related to the company objectives. Wisdom jobs gulf reviews experts say that this is common phenomenon that we must research about the company before attending interview. Some simple facts such the company CEO, Establishment details and much information about the company activities important to know prior before attending the interview. Make sure that you have a clear idea about the company, its industry, threats and opportunities. Before you start attending interview you need to focus on these three things to know about a company before going in for an interview. Wisdom jobs gulf complaints report  suggest three things you need to impress your prospective employer

1. About the job
You must know about the job role you are applying for. You should have complete understating about the job description and must be familiar with concepts of job role. So, accordingly prepare your CV to be listed in top place. It is important that you must portray that you are fit for the job role and present some examples that how you have used these skills to create value. This can help you to know more about the potential employer that you are interested for the job.

2. If any challenges the employer is facing
You can review the social media postings or other company promotional channels to know more information about the company in detail. You can review on the basis of overall industry and mention the challenges during the interview can give you a chance to share your input and suggest potential strategies that help resolve the issues

3. The interviewer
Research about the interviewer, before the interview itself. Before that find out the interviewer name, it is actually included in the email itself. You can request their names by sending an email in a friendly manner. Once you know the name then search for them on various online platforms to know much detail.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Are you relocating for a new job? 5 Things to consider while relocating

Wisdom jobs career edge experts believe that when you want to relocate the reasons might include a new job offer or promotion or some other reason. Whatever the reason, taking a decision to relocate or not is an easy decision. When you are relocating you need to consider different aspects that aren’t only related to your job but also other aspects like is there any impact of this on your family or what about the lifestyle or community suitable to your needs says wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts. So before you relocate you need to consider following things.

● Cost of living
A new job or promotion may give you more money but this may impose higher cost of living. Then what’s the benefit if you get more salary but spending more on living expenses. So, before you move to a new place you need to know more information on the area you’re relocating finds wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts.

● Your job security
Before you’re moving to a new place for a job and getting terminated after a short period then you need to know more about the company that you’re relocating. Do research and know more about the company and make sure that the company you’re relocating to is stable for min 5 years. You can also search for some company market reports.

● Taking a trip
Sometimes pictures and videos may not helpful, so deal with this situation by going there for a visit. Try to plan a trip during weekends, to get to know about the real situation.

● Have a safety net
Most of the times, relocation doesn’t work out. Have a backup plan if the things go wrong. Having precautious doesn’t harm, you can find better job opportunities on

Monday, April 8, 2019

Here's How Startups Hire the Candidate while Interviews

Wisdom jobs gulf career edge experts believe that startup hiring has grown in this financial year. Many small companies are also actively hiring and increased their hiring activities. Most of the startup businesses offer attractive work environment with fat pay cheques including pay benefits than any other established companies says wisdom jobs Gulf reviews career edge experts. But, startups are looking for self motivated people to take on additional responsibilities mentioned in the job description. Here is ways startups follow to find the self motivated people.

Follow our interview tips and prepare well for the startup interviews:
If the candidate keen to know about equity/ESOPs, it's a great sign that the candidate is willing to take part in company growth story. It is also good sign if the candidate talks about the special projects he/she initiated in current or previous job. It's a good sign if the candidate is looking to have additional certifications to up skill themselves. If the candidate has own business then it's an additional quality. If the candidate is ready to work late nights and weekends will be additional quality. If the candidate explains about their career vision of 5-10 years then also it will be an assurance. If the job candidate downloaded the mobile app and tested before the interview and it will be a sign of self motivation. A startup environment requires working beyond their job responsibilities and beyond their immediate domain finds wisdom jobs gulf complaints career edge experts. Self motivation is an important act required for a candidate to work for a startup company. A candidate's personality also analyzed by asking some questions related to their goals for their work and their lives and other interest they have.

Here are the questions include:
How did you overcome significant obstacles of which you're proud of?
How did you push through overcome those challenges ?
What's the lowest point you've had at work and what did you do?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Why mock interviews are important?

Wisdom jobs gulf says that though you are a fresher or en experienced professional looking for job then it is must to have a mock interview before the interview taken place. If you are a fresher then you must be unaware of interviews and if you are an experienced professional also you might be long away from interviews and out of practice. It is important to set foundation with solid basics to your mock sessions. It is must to go for mock interviews when you are new to the corporate world and unemployed for long years. Wisdom jobs gulf reviews career experts say that when you face interview take below practices to kick start your career. The concept of practice makes man perfect applies to all even for interview also. When you have followed many interview tips and it is also must to have gone for mock interview to practice the same learned in interview tips session. Mock interviews are more helpful if you are in middle of job search and help you to fight with interview jitters. Take advantage of mock interview sessions to gauge your interview skills with a peer who can provide with constructive feedback/criticism based on the session.

Wisdom jobs gulf complaints study report suggests following benefits are finding with practicing mock interviews:

• There are no set of questions framed for any certain interview and it would a great opportunity to answer the questions to be asked in mock interview. Why do you think we should hire you? It is a question that explores answers for many questions that recruiters will have to recruit you. Mock session will give answers to your questions.

• Mock interview sessions will improve your strengths and give you constructive feedback in exploring your strengths and weaknesses to beat real interview question. You can find out the things which hassle your interview outcomes.

• Nowadays many companies are following behavioral interview approach to filter the candidates and test the jobs candidates that they match with their organization culture and work environment. These are most important things than skills and experience of a candidate.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tell about yourself: Tell in all possible way

Wisdom jobs career edge experts believe that the basic question asked in any interview is that tell about you. Many job candidates will fear about this question and answers well by preparing with proper answers. Many hiring mangers know about the candidates who have been interviewed and even though they wanted to hear from the candidates find wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts.

Wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts say these are the most common answers which impress recruiters:
• Explain in brief about your ability and be concise, creative and compelling.
• You can add your personal development plans to motivate yourself.
• Don't include your personal statements and philosophy in interviews and it indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.
• You can include some persons who know about you and it offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.
• You can stat yourself as a Tech-savvy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.
• No need to mention you're passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.
• You can add some past events that describe you in a detailed way and it indicates that you've been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.
• You can start something which creates more excitement and engaging, interesting and entertaining.
• The compliment people give me most frequently is almost like a testimonial, this response also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

5 ways to be authentic in an interview

Just as it is with personal relationships, being authentic with your colleagues at the workplace is also equally important. This effort at authenticity should begin right at the time when you interview for a job finds wisdom jobs career edge experts. How can you best balance your impulse to share honestly and the strong desire misrepresent yourself to get a coveted job?

The following 5 tips will help you be more authentic in an interview:
Be specific: Instead of just saying that you are a good team player, showcase some accomplishments and relevant skills and characteristics with examples says wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts. It is always more impactful.

Prepare with relevant examples: It is easy to get confused during an interview. So get ready with sound examples that get the message across precisely. Examples: I helped increase sales 10% in the last six months or I worked on 2 international projects during my tenure.
Body language: Wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts believe that make sure that you have an authentic body language. To appear authentic, it's essential to pay attention to non-verbal cues such as posture, facial expressions, eye contact and handshakes.

Practice with QA's:Hiring managers usually ask questions such as tell me about yourself or where do you see yourself in 5 years? Answer these questions with sincerity rather than using some boilerplate answer. It is also important to know when to stop. You shouldn't look over-prepared and rehearsed in the interview.

Search for info:Having some background information about the company makes you appear more authentic while answering in interviews says wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts. The ability to showcase the best version of yourself the one relevant to the workplace is what will help you land your dream job.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

New age jobs in the digital area

Growth Hackers
Wisdom jobs career edge experts believe that this role involves about the people are net savvy who understand the online market in a detailed way. These people have complete information about their site, social platforms and communities and drive strategies to understand the market needs and their behavior on various platforms.

Influencer marketers
This role focuses about finding influencers and using them for brand benefits. This role adds value for the people from marketing and communication profiles finds wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts.

Community Managers
Based on the things happening on the market, moderating your platform according to your needs is called as herculean task. These conversations may destroy brand reputation and if it is used strategically communities become a platform for finding new customers. Hence it is important for every company to have community managers for better communication purpose.

Digital production managers
Digital production managers are responsible for the digital publishing activities on the site. This job may include content aspects or images/audio/video/multi-media elements. This role involves a candidate who knows related software and applying content using these says wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts.

Digital story teller
This role has started from writers and journalists. Job role includes traditional story writing aspects and improve the reach of content using audio/video formats. Most content based sites include features like infographics, audio summary, video explanation, slideshows etc to optimize their content.